The St. Vincent de Paul ministry was begun in our parish about 1983. Rem and Odessa Akeroyd were instrumental in beginning this ministry and Odessa remained active until she retired and moved to Missouri City to be close to her son. The pantry owes a lot to Rem and Odessa and the group who helped established this outreach.
It began very simply with donated goods being collected at Mass on the weekends and distributed on Sunday afternoon after the last Mass. The food distribution moved to the building that is now the parish offices and over the years it grew to include grocery store pickups and financial aid to those in need. In 1994, the pantry moved into its current facility and opened the Thrift Store. The Thrift Store over the years has provided clothing to those in need, as well as, provided funds to further the pantry and financial ministry.
St. Vincent de Paul has been blessed by the generous support of our parish community. Funding for the pantry has come from the Black Bag collections, donations from members of the parish, various ministries in our parish, and the community. We receive canned goods from our Masses, the children at St. Anne School, and occasionally from groups and businesses in our community. Over the years there has been a very dedicated group of volunteers who have worked in the pantry, the thrift store and the financial office to assist those in need in the Tomball area. Our ministry continues to grow and provide opportunities for those who are called to grow in their faith and help their community.
To contact St. Vincent de Paul, please do so by calling 281-255-2894.